Sunday, November 20, 2011

FengMi tidbits from Yang Mi's "Birthday Party" episode

So I have FINALLY finished translating and subbing Yang Mi's episode of "Birthday Party" (a variety show) that was aired in late September. The whole interview is very cute (start at Part I) but I'll only mention the FengMi tidbits here. (Most of this has been mentioned over on spcnet before but it's a compilation of everything.)

Yang Mi's blackbird/"8th prince" pet:

@ 5:12 in Part 3 video.

I was quite surprised to find out Yang Mi has a pet bird! Now, perhaps I'm reading too much into things, but in Chinese, this type of bird is called "ba ge" ("8 ge")--the same term used to refer to "8th prince". There's even been various jokes about FSF = "ba ge" (FSF himself jokes on his weibo about it, e.g. dressed all in black posing beside a "ba ge" bird). In fact, I wonder if her pet bird is the same "8 ge" that FSF referred to in a weibo post back in April, while they were filming MingYun together. He posted a pic of the bird and said,
"Today we saw a '8 ge' on set...just keep seeing Mi bullying it. [哼]"

I'm wondering if this is the same bird that Yang Mi now keeps as a pet? ^_^ (Perhaps someone gave it to her as a present, or maybe after seeing the "8 ge" on set she decided to keep it so she could continue "bullying/teasing" it to her heart's content at home...hehehe!)

FSF regularly visited the set of "Beijing Love Story" (BJAQGS)

@ 9:28 in Part 1 video

Back when Gong was airing, Yang Mi was filming a modern-day series called "Beijing Love Story". Her male costar in the series, Li Chen, is actually a good mutual friend of both Yang Mi and Feng Shaofeng (in fact, he and another mutual friend Qin Lan had a blast back in February at the YuanXiao festival mercilessly teasing FengMi backstage!). Anyways, Li Chen comes as a special guest and reveals that every day while they were filming BJAQGS, Yang Mi would always be watching "Gong" on her iPad (we already knew FSF was watching it everyday!). YM starts getting a bit embarrassed and pats Li Chen's arm to get him to shut up, but he just keeps going and then says, "The key thing is, FSF would often come to visit the BJAQGS set!" The hosts go "Ohhhhh Feng Shaofeng..." in a sort of "we see how it is *wink wink nudge nudge*" type of way; YM gets even more embarrassed so Li Chen helps her out by saying FSF is there to visit him (both hosts are like "YEAH RIGHT!"), then YM cuts in, "Actually he DID NOT often come visit the set..." (Come on YM, cat's out of the bag use in denying it!) This is so cute though--only one of FSF's visits (on Christmas Eve) was caught on camera (in the BJAQGS BTS clips); I thought it was a one-time thing, didn't realize it was a rather common occurrence!

Li Chen also mentions that often, whenever the director calls them to start filming, FSF would jump up before realizing, oops, he's actually not in the cast! FSF himself actually mentioned before, in the January JinYing interview, that while he was sitting together with the BJAQGS cast, Li Chen and Yang Mi would sometimes practice their lines (recall that they play a couple in this drama). And FSF would, out of habit, go to pick up the script to read the lines opposite her...before realizing that in this drama, he's not the one playing her boyfriend! XD

Yang Mi's "oops" moment where she lets slip that she keeps in contact with Feng Shaofeng..."everyday?!?!"

@ 15:53 in Part 1 video

This starts off with them playing a video when FSF was interviewed back in March, while he was filming "Hou Gong" (currently airing in China, FSF costars with Ady An in here). The full interview is here: The very sweet segment where he comments on Yang Mi starts at 1:08:

FSF: Compliment her? Yeah I do compliment her, I do think she is really wonderful. I'm just speaking my honest feelings from the heart, is there a problem with that? I do very much admire/appreciate her, I don't deny it at all. I think she is a very talented/outstanding girl, whether it's her personality, or her hard-working/professional attitude towards work, or her different aspects of being direct/honest/carefree. These all make me really admire her.

Later the host asks YM about 4th prince vs. 8th prince in Gong and her real-life interactions with both; YM says that offscreen, she interacts with FSF more: "I communicate with FSF more. Everyday--no no I mean, not everyday, just often, we often see each other." Accidental slip-up, much? I bet they totally communicate with each other multiple times every day... (Also this clearly contradicts her LeTV awards acceptance speech where she lied saying she hasn't seen FSF in a long time...or her many media interviews where she pretends she doesn't really keep in contact with FSF that much. XD)

Yang Mi reveals Feng Shaofeng is "like a little kid"

@ 3:58 in Part 1 video

At the start of the episode, the hosts ask Yang Mi to comment on 4 of her male costars.

YM on FSF: He can be like a little kid at times, when he does something very "manly" he keeps asking to be praised!

Lmao...this reminds me of their Happy Camp episode, when YM says FSF is very sweet; the host goes: "FSF, Yang Mi just said you're "SWEET"! We can't have that, come on prove that you're actually very manly!" Then FSF suddenly picks up YM and keeps looking at her with a proud "How do you like that, huh? Manly enough for you?" expression...only to have YM go, "Can you stop your arms from shaking!" Oh YM...never fails to crush the poor guy's hopes. (j/k, she does praise him too)

But anyways, I find it hilarious that YM freely "praises" the other 3 guys (Mickey as being generous, Li Chen as being the perfect boyfriend, HG as being educated and cultured)...yet all FSF gets is a rather insulting "he's like a little kid" comment. However, note that during her phone call on FSF's talkshow, the host asked her about her constantly "bullying" him. She replied: "Yes I like to bully him a lot, but really this is because I view him as one of 'my people', so sometimes I will say things like that; if it's someone I'm not that familiar with why would I say all of those things??"
(Well, I'll let you all draw your own conclusions... )


  1. Does YM/FSF watch their own dramas (I mean their individual projects)or they only watch Fengmi dramas? haha...How cute...she loves watching Goong so much to the point Li Chen has to tease her so badly (I luv the way LiChen teasing Fengmi both in the interview back in Feb and in this Bday party)

    Thanks a lot for the Engsub. You're more than wonderful. Now,I am looking forward to the sub of FSF "Close Up" interview :P Thanks in advance.

  2. @Anon: To answer your first question...I am currently looking for the interviews I read regarding this issue, so I'll have the answer for you shortly. ;)
    (Don't worry, I have a feeling you'll be happy with it... ^_^)
