Monday, November 28, 2011

End-of-November FengMi Tidbits

Lots more random tidbits under the cut...(a bit more speculation-based than usual though)

Before I get onto new material, I promised a certain Anonymous commenter that I would provide an answer to their question under the "YM Bday Party post":

"Does YM/FSF watch their own dramas (I mean their individual projects)or they only watch Fengmi dramas?"
Now, I can't for sure answer 100% yes or no to this. But let's take a look at their interview replies: (please keep in mind--as with all written interviews, take it with a grain of salt since without video evidence, we don't know whether things have been embellished/taken out of context by the writers)

FSF: "以前从来不看自己的戏,有什么好看的?傻了吧唧的。" 可《宫》他是每集都看,“看的时候还能回忆起拍戏时的开心事儿。"
Translation: "Before I would never watch my own dramas--what's the point of watching them? I'm so 'silly/dumb' in them." But for <Gong>, he would watch every single episode, "When I watch it I can remember back to the funny/happy memories from filming."

Sunday, November 20, 2011

FengMi "Gong" BTS + Hunan TV commercials ( mango_cake's intro post)

Hello everyone! JoleCole has kindly given me the power of adding my own posts to her lovely FengMi shipper blog now that she can't keep up with the never-ending onslaught of FengMi cuteness. (Just kidding. ) Unfortunately (or fortunately, as the case may be) I'm not quite sure she realizes what she is in for...because I'm not going to be able to contain myself any longer! I've been trying (often in vain) to not go too overboard in the spcnet forums and swamp YM/FSF etc. threads with FengMi stuff. Well, here it's no longer a problem so without further ado, I shall gush, fangirl, and squee away to my heart's content!!!

Sorry everyone for taking so long for my first posts, but I hope you enjoy! ^_^ Took me longer than expected to compile everything. My megapost of small FengMi observations over the past 2 months, as well as a compilation of FengMi tidbits in Yang Mi's "Birthday Party" episode are in the previous 2 posts. However, I've decided that in this slow time of no FengMi public appearances (both YM and FSF are filming separately right now), I'm going to go back and compile various videos of them from the past year or so.

October - November FengMi Tidbits Megapost

Unfortunately, in the past 2 months both FSF and YM have been busy filming their separate movie projects, so it's been a long time since the two of them have come together (not since the end of September when they both filmed Gong 2 together!). However, there are still lots of cuteness to be found from their weibo posts, as well as interviews in which FSF/YM are asked about each other. (I haven't even included all of FengMi's "lovey-dovey" weibo posts in here since they don't, obviously, reference each other at all. But I can't help but "awwww" when I read them and wonder if they're meant for one another...)

Disclaimer: this post contains a lot of speculation and minor thngs that allude to/reference FengMi only; sadly, this is all we can go on when FengMi do not appear together publicly... Parts of this I've posted about in spcnet already, but some of it is completely new...

FengMi tidbits from Yang Mi's "Birthday Party" episode

So I have FINALLY finished translating and subbing Yang Mi's episode of "Birthday Party" (a variety show) that was aired in late September. The whole interview is very cute (start at Part I) but I'll only mention the FengMi tidbits here. (Most of this has been mentioned over on spcnet before but it's a compilation of everything.)