Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays! Here's a special FengMi Christmas treat for all of you: (sorry, I was going to get this put up yesterday in time for Christmas but as always, I didn't get it done in time... Well, it isn't midnight here yet! XD)

I bring you gift-wrapped!Feng Shaofeng and Santa-hat!Yang Mi, plus more under the cut! (As always, click on the pics to see all the cuteness in large size! :P)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

FengMi at "I Do" and "HMY" Promo Events (2011-11-30)

(Update Dec-21-2011: Post is now complete with commentary, pictures, and videos! :) Sorry it took so long--as with all FengMi goodness, this one took on a life of its own and turned into a megapost! )

So that event I mentioned previously, about FengMi attending a promo event for the jewellery company "I Do" (who specializes in engagement/wedding jewellery, as their name suggests)?

Well, like FengMi always seem to do, they exceeded my expectations despite me already being super-hyped-up about it!!! (I don't know how they do it every single time, they just get more and more adorable. ^_^) Yang Mi also accompanied Feng Shaofeng to his "White Vengeance" promo event right after!

Videos, pictures, and squeeing under the cut...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rumour Clarification + Questions & Answers Post

I have been receiving lots of questions in the "FSF Up Close Interview" post and I felt it might be a good idea to create a dedicated post where you guys can ask any questions you have about FengMi--whether it's a random rumour you heard somewhere or any other questions you have! (Note that depending on the question it may take me awhile to get around to it but rest assured, I am working on them! :P)

There are tons of articles out there revolving around FengMi together as well as them with their various costars. It's inevitable since both FSF and YM continue to act opposite many other people apart from each other, and the media just love to gossip/spread rumours. Sometimes, that makes it hard to separate fact from fiction!

While I obviously can't comment fully on what exactly is true and what exactly is made-up, I will try my best to clarify these. (Hopefully in an objective way, but, being such a major FengMi-fangirl and shipper, I admit it might not be possible for me to be completely unbiased.)

So without further ado, please feel free to ask away in the comments below and I will continue to add to this post as we go. I'm not sure this is the most efficient way to organize things (I don't know how to do a separate "FAQ" page here) but hopefully it will do for now!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Feng Shaofeng's "Up Close" Interview

Back in October, FSF appeared was interviewed on "Up Close". The host, Li Jing, also co-hosted FengMi's ChaoJi (Super Access) Interview back in March as well as their recent appearance at the "I Do" event (more to come on that later). I actually finished the subs for this one awhile ago but ended up getting distracted by all the recent FengMi news so didn't get around to this one till now. Sorry!

I would like to thank Mr. "slow-talker" Feng Shaofeng for taking his time answering questions and thus making it a lot easier for me to translate & sub his interviews--as opposed to "machine-gun"-Yang Mi whose interviews take forever to get through... (If you missed that reference, be sure to check out the comments I added under the previous "Oct-Nov Megapost"--I also added some screencaps of FSF's "slow talking" video so check that out too if you haven't already! )

Once again, I find FSF adorable when he's answering questions related to Yang Mi--he gets all flustered/embarrassed so easily! In fact I am tempted to go on a squee-fest about practically every single thing he says during that segment but I'll let you guys just watch it yourself (I do have a few added notes to expand on some of it though):