Wednesday, December 21, 2011

FengMi at "I Do" and "HMY" Promo Events (2011-11-30)

(Update Dec-21-2011: Post is now complete with commentary, pictures, and videos! :) Sorry it took so long--as with all FengMi goodness, this one took on a life of its own and turned into a megapost! )

So that event I mentioned previously, about FengMi attending a promo event for the jewellery company "I Do" (who specializes in engagement/wedding jewellery, as their name suggests)?

Well, like FengMi always seem to do, they exceeded my expectations despite me already being super-hyped-up about it!!! (I don't know how they do it every single time, they just get more and more adorable. ^_^) Yang Mi also accompanied Feng Shaofeng to his "White Vengeance" promo event right after!

Videos, pictures, and squeeing under the cut...

(Probably one of my favourite moments from the "I Do" event--too cute not to do an animated gif of! FengMi give new meaning to the phrase "mei lai yan qu" (i.e. "flirting with their eyes/eyebrows"). This was right after the reporters asked a simple "how do you feel about being at this promo event?"--FSF seemed a bit flustered and turned to exchange looks with Yang Mi before answering...wonder what kind of silent communication went on between them there!


I've only subbed and uploaded a selection of the many reports to avoid too much repetition (some news clips are only partially included).

CCTV-6, CETV, and BTV all reported on both the "I Do" and "White Vengeance" events:

"I Do" event, more complete coverage: (XingShang and Sina's reports are included here in full, while CCTV-8, Qiyi and XinYule reports are partially included)

Note #1 (@ 8:21): Here the host jokingly compares FengMi's reunion to one of the most famous "reunion of lovers" in Chinese folklore. According to the legend of "QiXi", the cowherd and the weaver maiden (a fairy from heaven who wove the clouds in the sky) fell in love, but were separated by the Goddess of heaven when she found out (love between mortals and immortals is forbidden). However, one day a year, thousands of magpies come together to create a bridge across the Milky Way that separates them in the sky, so they can be reunited for one night.

FSF and YM are having so much fun with this! I know it was probably scripted but it's so funny when FSF looks YM up and down going, "hmmm...think there's something missing...missing a...missing a ring!" Also ROFL at his sly/sneaky expression right before he puts the ring on, he totally does a little eyebrow-waggle too. And afterwards Yang Mi also has a rather cheeky expression with an eyebrow-waggle of her own when she says it's the first time a guy has given her a diamond ring. It's like they're going *wink wink, nudge nudge* at all of us...(I'm almost half wondering if they actually are engaged already, bwahahaha... ok just kidding, that isn't very likely at all.)

"White Vengeance (HMY)" fan "meet-and-greet" session: (includes Sina's video of this event, plus clips from some fan-taken videos not shown in the Sina video)

Note #1 (@2:18, 5:42): "lao fo ye" = "Empress Dowager". In the Qing dynasty, the Empress Dowager was seen as the person of highest status (even the Emperor had to respect and bow down to the Empress Dowager). FSF jokingly calls YM this while helping her onto the stage, but then quickly backtracks and changes it to "xiao fo ye" ("lao" = old, while "xiao" = little, so he changed it to "little" Empress Dowager to avoid calling her "old"! XD)

Note #2 (@3:20): marriage licenses in China are actually small little red booklets that resemble the "awards" they handed out to FengMi (except about twice the size).

I find it so cute that both FSF and YM keep saying multiple times at both events how very long it's been since they've seen each other. XD (They last time they got together was 2 months ago, at the end of September for "Gong 2" filming.)


"I Do":

The host of the event was Li Jing--who most definitely ships FengMi! (She's same host who did FengMi's "ChaoJi interview" as well as FSF's "Up Close" interview.) She mentioned in the "Up Close" interview that FSF only gets nervous around Yang Mi...and it is so definitely true! I'll add, that it's around Yang Mi and if they're in front of a lot of media. (Personally I think it's because he's worried about letting something slip, heheh.) FSF kept fidgeting with his own ring and the buttons on his shirt (??) during the event, and seemed extra nervous when he put the ring on her finger. (I bet he's thinking, "O_o...oh **** this thing is huge, is this what I'm going to have to beat for the real thing..." Seriously though, check out the size of that diamond in this close-up--not on YM's hand, but you can see the "Eiffel tower" design quite clearly in this pic.)

He seems a lot more nervous during the "I Do" event where they were swamped by the media; meanwhile, at the HMY event (which was mainly just fans in attendance), FSF was a *lot* more at ease and as a result seemed more open with his sweet gestures towards YM! ^_^ It's actually quite funny how during the "I Do" event, YM was all smiley and flirty while FSF was much "calmer" (but nervous)...then at the "HMY" event it was reversed--FSF was the one being all sweet (with the hand-holding, putting his arm around her, etc) while YM was the "calm" one (trying to refute the rumours).

Although, I think Yang Mi seemed a little bit dazed herself after FSF put on the ring--when the host asked her if she had anything to say, she was a little bit speechless for awhile and just managed a breathless "thank you" while giggling giddily, heheh. XD

Other little bits I liked: FSF twice complimenting Yang Mi ("she's always looked very pretty all along", "she looks pretty no matter what she wears"), FSF smiling happily when the host says they look like such a matching at the end, when the host says, "hope you two find true love soon!" FSF turns to look at Yang Mi. After the host asks him if he'd like to give her well-wishes in the love department, he instead states, "She says she wants to get married before she's 30!" (Not exactly a secret though since she keeps proclaiming that in all her interviews... )

YM (looking a little bit embarrassed) replies, "I'll aim for it, aim for it...", then it looks like FSF also says "will aim for it!" (He doesn't hold his microphone up so we can't hear it but it certainly looks like that's what he's saying! Dude, what does that have to do with you...are you also aiming to get YM married before she's 30?? ) Then he adds, "well that's not too possible for me since I was past 30 a long time ago!"

(Maybe it was just that moment that this photo was taken but Yang Mi looks so adorable and happy here being pulled along on stage by FSF! ^_^)

FengMi with matching rings! XD (Note that in China the tradition is to put the wedding bands on the middle finger, not the ring finger.)

Apparently, even Yang Mi's parents were there! (Probably to see their daughter since she rarely gets a chance to go pictures of her mother but someone did post up these pics of Yang Mi's dad next to Feng Shaofeng!!!) Certainly doesn't seem like any of YM's other costars (whether male of female) have ever been nearly this close to her parents! (If they've even met her parents at all...)

HMY "meet-and-greet":

At the start of the HMY event, only FSF is onstage because he says Yang Mi has to change out of her outfit (i.e. her "wedding dress"... ) So chivalrous of FSF to walk over across the stage to help YM up when she arrives...he's always so considerate to make sure she doesn't trip. ^_^ And so adorable that the two of them just reach out their hands as if by instinct for FSF to help YM onstage! XD

...ummm alright FSF, you can let go of her hand now...YM is safely on the stage already, the "helping her up the stairs" excuse doesn't work anymore. XD (But it's ok, we don't mind...and I'm sure YM doesn't either! )

Yang Mi says she previously wanted to attend his HMY event in Shanghai, but couldn't make the time (due to her busy filming schedule), so this time she *had* to come (flying all the way to Beijing from Shanghai!!!).

It's too funny when YM cuts the host off after he says she specially came to support FSF, and launches into an explanation about how he previously went to support her movie too (i.e. trying to downplay the fact she flew all the way from Shanghai to support him ^_^)...then FSF cuts her off by putting his arm around her and saying "冤冤相报何时了啊"--loosely translates to: "we keep returning the favour it's never going to end!" It's kind of a play on words because "returning the favour" sounds the same in Chinese as "hug" or "putting arms around each other". (...He was so just looking for an excuse to do that. ) But then Yang Mi goes back to reiterate that she's not just coming because he went to support her--but she's doing it because she just feels like it's something she "must" do. Awww...

Hilariously, the HMY event organizers gave out two random "awards" to FSF/YM--in the form of two little red booklets! (Very similar to what marriage licenses look like in China.) Then they asked FengMi to pose together holding the booklets, heheh. (They so did that on purpose; I love the host for commenting, "Looks like marriage licenses! ...Alright, it's settled then!" )

It's almost like the organizers of both events set this up together because how perfect is the "I Do" event we get the "wedding ceremony" complete with rings; then they go to the HMY promo event and it's like the post-wedding thing where they're showing off their brand-new marriage licenses! (Well, great minds think alike, after all! :P)

A fan actually photoshopped the following pic, showing the whole process (btw, the middle picture is what ACTUAL Chinese marriage licenses look like):

Big version of the photoshopped pics: (lol they look so real!)

*Actual* (non-photoshopped) pictures:

(FSF looks so proud/happy showing off his "marriage license"....bwahaha. )

More super-cute moments:

Oh my god you two just admit it already... (stop looking at each other like that seriously, this is just getting embarrassing... XD)

(Annnddddd with that all our imaginations run wild with what FSF could possibly be whispering to YM to make her smile so sweetly like that ...I also love how the microphones they're holding have "I DO" plastered over them on big bold letters, as if that's what they're saying... ^_^)

And I also can't help but squee over how FengMi always seem to subconsciously or consciously move to hold each others' hands/arms, or put their arms around each other (especially the HMY fan "meet-and-greet" which was quite informal and not at all "posed"!). I don't know about you guys, but some of these definitely doesn't seem like a "just friends" thing! XD

From the last 3 pictures: Apparently, when the host wanted to keep Yang Mi for longer, FSF made him let her leave (probably so she could get some rest after her very long day). I remember FSF once joked he could be her agent because people keep calling him to ask for her contact wouldn't be a bad idea really--at least he'd probably make sure she got plenty of rest and wouldn't overwork herself! (j/k, he's busy enough himself as it is... )

This part isn't actually that clear from the blurry, poor-quality footage we got, but fans who attended the event posted about it. FSF had to rush off to another theatre for another HMY event at a different location; Yang Mi was only slated to appear at this one so the host tried to get her to stay longer while FSF had to take off. HOWEVER, then you see FSF take YM's hand; we can't hear from the video but here are reports from people in attendance:

彤言乐语: 主持人想单独留下妞时,冯叔特无辜的牵着妞对主持人说:"对啊,她难道不一起走" [偷笑][害羞]

"When the host wanted to keep [Yang Mi], 'Uncle Feng' went to hold her hand and said to the host: 'Right, exactly, would she not come along with me??' "

彤言乐语: 最感动的是要走的时候,本来是主持人想把妞留下在访问一会,然后都走了几步的冯叔又回来拉着妞对主持人说她还有其他事情都一起先走吧[心]

"The most touching moment was when they were leaving, originally the host wanted to keep [Yang Mi] there to interview her some more, but then 'Uncle Feng' who had already walked a few steps then came back, holding YM's hand, and said to the host that she had other things to do so how about they leave together"

Rainbow西西: 冯叔还要赶去下一场,主持人要把幂姐留下采访,被冯叔用眼色示意及搂肩膀,把幂也给顺走了 [嘻嘻]

" 'Uncle Feng' still needed to rush to the next session, the host wanted to keep YM for more interviewing, but 'Uncle Feng' used his eyes/expression to signal and also put his arm around her, and took Yang Mi right along with him"

Now being fan accounts they could be biased interpretations...but from the video, we do see FSF taking her hand and putting his arm around her; with the host saying that Yang Mi should stay; and while we can't hear what he's saying, it does seem to me like FSF is politely but firmly talking to the host to let them release Yang Mi as well! ^_^

Another adorable tidbit--according to this article, reporters asked YM's company if FengMi are a couple. As expected, they totally shot down the possibility...however, what was hilarious is then they say: "Because of this, we actually especially warned/ordered Yang Mi: make sure at all cost not to let FSF put a ring on your finger to avoid any misunderstanding [by the press]--but in the end, the young lady got a bit too dazed/giddy in that romantic atmosphere just now."
活动后,记者向杨幂公司核实两人是否有意公布恋情,但工作人员予以了否认: "恋情真的没有,为此我们还特意叮嘱杨幂,千万别让冯绍峰亲自给你戴钻戒以免误会,结果小姑娘在刚才那个浪漫的气氛里有点晕了。"
No video of this to back up the article so dunno if it's true but I got a good laugh/squee out of it--at least, the rest of the article was quite truthful. The title of it was hilarious though--"Yang Mi disregards her company's strong/forceful disapproval/opposition, sweetly accepts the diamond ring Feng Shaofeng presents her." (杨幂不顾公司强烈反对 甜蜜获赠冯绍峰钻戒)

Speculation: Yang Mi and XingGuang GuoJi production company "hoping to" collaborate in the future?

I find it rather interesting that the host at the HMY event mentions that he "heard" that Yang Mi will have a collaboration with XingGuang (the production company behind HMY) a sort of hesitant "not sure if I should be mentioning this" tone of voice. The director/VP from the company replies that they're "hoping for it". I think I also heard reports that FSF is slated to act in one of their upcoming movies as well...could this mean that FSF's attempts to get XingGuang to cast both him and YM in a movie has come through??? (Even though some people are sick of them already, I'm sure all of us here are sooooo up for seeing FengMi costar together in a movie!!! Painted Skin 2 is exciting of course but since they are only secondary/supporting characters they probably don't have much screentime together...)

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